Hotel Rules
Hotel Gdynia Boutique, located at: ul. Abrahama 39, 81-366 Gdynia, is run by Hotel Gdynia Boutique Sp. z o. o. with registered office in Gdynia (zip code: 81-366), at ul. Abrahama 39, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court Gdańsk – Północ in Gdańsk, 8th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS number 0000739201, with tax identification number NIP 5862333630, with share capital of PLN 5,000.00, paid in full. In the interests of ensuring a peaceful and safe stay in our Hotel, please read the following rules and comply with the provisions thereof.
- The terms used in these Hotel Rules should be understood as follows:
1) Hotel Rules – means these Rulesof the Gdynia Boutique Hotel in Gdynia,
2) Hotel – means the Gdynia Boutique Hotel, located at: ul. Abrahama 39, 81-366 Gdynia
3) Guest – means a tenant of a room at the Gdynia Boutique Hotel,
4) Hotel Owner – Hotel Gdynia Boutique Sp. z o. o. with registered office in Gdynia (zip code: 81-366), at ul. Abrahama 39, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court Gdańsk – Północ in Gdańsk, 8th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS number 0000739201, with tax identification number NIP 5862333630, with share capital of PLN 5,000.00, paid in full. - The Hotel Rules apply at the Gdynia Boutique Hotel and apply to all persons staying therein.
- The Hotel Rules are available:
a) in paper form:
– at the hotel reception
– in the information folder in every room,
b) in electronic form – on the website: http://hotelgb.pl//
These Rules set out the rules for the provision of services, liability and staying at the Hotel and are an integral part of the agreement, which is concluded by checking in at the Hotel, as well as by making a reservation or paying an advance or the entire amount due for staying at the Hotel, or by signing the Guest Registration Card. By performing any of the actions listed in the previous sentence, the Guest confirms that he/she has read the Rules and accepts the conditions thereof.
- A hotel room is rented in terms of hotel days.
- Check-in starts at 3:00 p.m. and ends at 11:00 a.m. on the next day.
- Occupying the room after 11:00 am shall be deemed as prolonging the stay. In the event of extension of the stay, without consulting the Hotel referred to in paragraph 4, the Guest will be charged an additional fee for each started additional hour of stay according to the current price list for the given day.
- The hotel provides a service consisting in extending the hotel day beyond the hours indicated in paragraph 2. If a Guests wishes to extend a hotel night, he/she should inform the reception desk as soon as possible. The hotel
- reserves the right not to consider the request to extend your stay if all the rooms have been rented, or for guests who do not comply with applicable rules.
- The service consisting in extending the stay referred to in paragraph4, is payable according to the price list available at the Hotel Reception or on the Hotel website. After 15:00 a fee for the next hotel day is charged.
- The basis for checking in of the Guest is the presentation of a photo ID document to the Receptionist employee.
- Before starting the stay at the Hotel, the Guest is obliged to complete and sign the Guest Registration Card, which will be presented to him/her by the Receptionist. Signing consents regarding the provision of marketing services by the Company is optional.
- The hotel reserves the right to charge pre-authorization of a credit card or cash deposit for the whole period of the stay.
- Persons who do not rent a room in the Hotel may stay in a hotel room from 7:00 to 22:00. After 22.00 there is an obligation to report the stay of additional people staying with the Guests in the room.
- The Hotel may refuse to accept a Guest who during the previous stay grossly violated the Rules, by causing damage to the property of the hotel or other guests, damage to the Guest, person from the Hotel’s service or other persons staying at the Hotel.
- In the event of cancellation of the stay at the Hotel by the Guest, the payment for the stay shall not be refunded.
- Reservations can be made in person, by phone, by e-mail at: info@hotelgb.pl or through the hotel’s website http://hotelgb.pl/ and through external booking portals. The booking person is required to provide the guest’s contact number and e-mail address to which the booking confirmation will be sent.
- Children under the age of 12 should stay on the premises under permanent supervision of their legal guardians. The legal guardians assume full responsibility for any damage caused as a result of the children’s actions.
- A hotel Guest assumes full responsibility for any damage or destruction of the hotel’s equipment and technical devices arising as a result of their fault or the fault of those visiting them. The hotel reserves the right to charge the guest for damage caused.
- In the case of violation of the provisions of these rules, the hotel may refuse to continue providing services to the person found guilty of the violation. Such a person is obliged to immediately comply with the demands of the Hotel, to pay the amount due for current services, to pay for possible damages and to leave the Hotel.
- Each time a Guest leaving the room should, for safety reasons, turn off the taps and close the door.
- For each lost electronic door key or parking card, the Guest will be charged a fee of 50.00 PLN.
- The Hotel is responsible for the loss or damage of items brought by the Guest to the Hotel to the extent specified in the provisions of the Civil Code (art. 846-852).
- Guests should notify the reception of the occurrence of damage immediately after it has been discovered.
- The hotel is not responsible for the loss or damage of the Guest’s belongings during the visit of guests visiting the room.
- The hotel is not responsible for damage or loss of a car or other vehicle belonging to the guest, objects and live animals left therein.
- Personal belongings left in the apartment by the departing guest will be sent back to the address indicated by the guest at their expense.
- If the Residence receives no disposal from the Guest as for the items left, the Residence shall store these items – at the expense of the owner – for a period of three months, and after this period – these items will become the property Hotel. Foodstuffs will be stored for 24 hour.
- There is a NIGHT QUIET TIME at the Hotel from 22:00 to 7:00 in the morning.
- The behavior of Guests and persons using the services of the Hotel should not disturb the stay of other Guests. Hotel may refuse further provision of services to a person who breaches this principle.
- Smoking in unauthorized places – PLN 500.00.
- Arrival with a pet and introduction to the room
- Disturbing the quiet at night – PLN 500.00
- Unjustified activation of the alarm – PLN 500.00
- Leaving vomit or other physiological waste in the room – PLN 1000.00.
- Guests have the right to lodge a complaint in case of noticing deficiencies in the quality of the services provided.
- All complaints are accepted by the Hotel only in writing (on paper or electronically).
- The complaint should be filed immediately after noticing the deficiencies in the standard of services provided. The hotel does not accept complaints after the stay.
- The hotel accepts Guests traveling with animals for an additional fee, specified in the Hotel Price List, only one animal up to 10 kg can stay in the room, while the Guest is fully responsible for any damage caused by them. In public areas, animals must be kept on a leash or in a transporter.
- The Hotel and its immediate surroundings are completely non- smoking and electronic cigarettes area. The ban on smoking and electronic cigarettes also includes hotel balconies, staircases, corridors, and reception hall. A fine of PLN 500.00 applies for each breach of the ban.
- No dangerous goods – weapons and ammunition, flammable, explosive and illumination materials – shall be stored in the hotel rooms. Due to fire safety, it is forbidden to use heaters, electrical irons and other similar appliances not being part of room equipment.
- The Guest agrees to the storage and processing of his personal data in accordance with applicable law by Hotel Gdynia Boutique Sp. z o. o. with registered office in Gdynia, as the owner of the Hotel, for the purposes necessary to complete the Guest’s stay at the Hotel and use by the Guest of other services provided by the Hotel. The Guest has the right to access his personal data and correction thereof.
- It is prohibited to engage in the acquisition and direct selling activities at the Hotel.
- Guests are not allowed to make any changes in hotel rooms and their equipment, except for a slight rearrangement of furniture and equipment, which does not affect their functionality and safety of use.
- The Rules shall enter into force on December 6th, 2019, in Gdynia.
Gdynia, December 6th, 201
The Management Board of Hotel Boutique Gdynia Sp. z o. o